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27Jul 14:35:14(z)

30 Mar 2022
China Airlines is planning to increase the number of passenger-carrying services in the summer schedule.
As part of its continuous review of travel demand, China Airlines is planning to increase the number of passenger-carrying services in its summer schedule, starting with a 20% increase in services for April and May. Further adjustments will be made on a rolling basis in response to the latest quarantine policies.

The global airline industry launched its summer schedule on March 27 and China Airlines will begin increasing its service frequency from the end of March. Cross-strait services consist of the Beijing, Shanghai (Pudong), Xiamen, and Chengdu routes. The Songshan-Shanghai (Pudong) route, in particular, will be increased to 6 services per week; the Taoyuan-Shanghai (Pudong) route will be increased to 5 services per week; the Kaohsiung-Shanghai (Pudong) route will be increased to 3 services per week, while the Hong Kong route will be increased to 5 passenger-carrying services per week.

On Southeast Asian routes from April onwards, Bangkok (Thailand) will be expanded to 3 services per week; Singapore will be increased to 2 services per week; Penang (Malaysia) will be increased to 1 service per week; Manila (Philippines) will be increased to 4 services per week; Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) will be increased to 3 services per week, Hanoi (Vietnam) will be increased to 3 services per week, and Phnom Penh (Cambodia) will be increased to 2 services per week. On Northeast Asian routes, Tokyo (Narita), Osaka, Fukuoka, and Nagoya in Japan will all have their service frequency increased. Seoul (Incheon) will be expanded to 2 services per week from April onwards and 2 weekly services have been planned for Songshan-Tokyo (Haneda) starting in May.

On North American routes, from mid-May onwards, there will be 5 weekly services to the Los Angeles (California) area, with one of those being a weekly service to Ontario. Vancouver (Canada) will be increased to 1 service per week in May and the New York route will be added in June. On European routes, passenger-carrying services will be provided on a regular basis to Frankfurt (Germany), Amsterdam (The Netherlands), and London (U.K.) with services to Vienna (Austria) in the near future. The Oceanian portfolio encompasses Australia, including Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne with 1 weekly passenger-carrying service, and New Zealand, with 1 service per month for direct flights to Auckland.