Note: The restrictions listed in all CI Variations do not apply to CI/AE/IT COMAT and R.O.C. Military shipment.
The following dangerous goods will not be accepted for carriage as cargo on China Airlines' passenger aircraft:
- Class 1 to Class 8, except for UN2908, UN 2909, UN2910, UN2911, UN3164 meeting requirement of PI208 (a) and UN3373.
- Fully regulated lithium ion batteries, UN 3481 (Class 9) as per section I of PI 966-PI967 (RLI)
- Fully regulated lithium metal batteries, UN 3091 (Class 9) as per section I of PI 969-PI970 (RLM)
- UN 3171 Battery-powered vehicle (Class 9) powered by lithium batteries.
Dangerous goods in excepted quantities will not be accepted, except for radioactive materials, excepted package
Dangerous Goods in consolidations will not be accepted for carriage, except for:
- consolidations having one master air waybill with one house air waybill; or
- consolidations having one master air waybill with more than one house air waybill containing only dangerous goods; or
- consolidation containing the following dangerous goods and general cargo.
- UN1845 Carbon Dioxide, solid (Dry ice) when used as a refrigerant for non-dangerous goods
- UN2807 Magnetized material as per PI953 and with field strength no more than 0.418A/m or 0.00525 Gauss measured at a distance of 4.6m.
- ID8000 consumer commodity / UN1266 Perfumery product
Any liquid Dangerous Goods having primary hazard or subsidiary hazard of Class 8 – Corrosives, in single packaging will not be accepted unless each single packaging overpacked with rigid material to protect at least the top and bottom of the packaging. The packages shall be stackable.
Oxygen Generator Chemical - UN3356 will not be accepted for carriage.
The shipper must obtain an approval from Nuclear Safety Commissionl/Taiwan for the import, export, transferring or transiting of Radioactive Material to, from, via Taiwan 7 days prior to flight departs from the State of origin. Radioactive material, excepted package is not subject to above requirement.
Nuclear Safety Commission
80, Section 1, Chenggong Road, Yonghe District,New Taipei City 23452 ,Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886-2-8231 7919, Ext 2179/2187
Fax: +886-2-8231 7829

Dangerous goods offered for transport under state exemptions or approvals (e.g. as required by Special Provision A1, A2 and A106 etc.) will not be accepted for carriage.
Radioactive material (Class 7), except for “Radioactive material, excepted package”, must be segregated from packages containing Class 1,2,3 and 8 dangerous goods
The following dangerous goods will not be accepted for carriage as cargo on China Airlines' aircraft.
- Lithium Metal cells and batteries (UN3090), prepared in accordance with Section IA and Section IB of Packing Instruction 968.
- UN 3480, Section IA/IB of PI 965(RBI), UN 3481, Section I of PI 966/PI 967(RLI) and UN 3091, Section I of PI969/PI970 (RLM) when overpacked or packed in the same outer packaging with other classes of dangerous goods.
〈For reference only, please follow IATA DGR for the latest reuglations.〉